會計 | |
會計估計 |
Accounting estimates |
會計分期 |
Accounting period |
會計政策 |
Accounting policies |
會計確認 |
Accounting recognition |
會計處理 |
Accounting treatment |
應付賬款 |
Accounts payable |
應收賬款 |
Accounts receivable |
累計折舊 |
Accumulated depreciation |
調整事項 |
Adjusting events |
攤銷費用 |
Amortization expense |
公平交易 |
Arms-length transaction |
資產 |
Assets |
資產減值損失 |
Assets impairment loss |
聯營公司 |
Associates |
可供出售金融資產 |
Available-for-sale financial assets |
壞賬準備 |
Bad debt provision |
年初余額 |
Balance at the beginning of year |
年末余額 |
Balance at the end of year |
資產負債表 |
Balance sheet |
銀行存款 |
Bank deposit |
基本每股收益 |
Basic earnings per share |
應收票據 |
Bills receivable |
賬面價值 |
Book value |
借款費用 |
Borrowing costs |
企業(yè)合并 |
Business combination |
營業(yè)稅金及附加 |
Business taxes and surcharges |
計量 |
Calculation/Calculate |
資本公積 |
Capital reserve |
資本化 |
Capitalization/Capitalized |
現金流量 |
Cash flows |
庫存現金 |
Cash on hand |
公允價值變動 |
Change in fair value |
股東權益變動表 |
Changes in equity |
可比性 |
Comparability |
混合金融工具 |
Compound financial instruments |
代銷商品 |
Consignment goods |
合并資產負債表 |
Consolidated balance sheet |
合并利潤表 |
Consolidated income statement |
合并股東權益變動表 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity |
建造合同 |
Construction contract |
在建工程 |
Construction in progress |
或有資產 |
Contingent asset |
或有負債 |
Contingent liability |
可轉換公司債券 |
Convertible notes |
會計差錯更正 |
Correction of accounting errors |
成本法 |
Cost method |
主營業(yè)務成本 |
Cost of sales from principal activities |
貸 |
Credit |
貨幣計量 |
Currency measurement |
流動資產 |
Current assets |
流動負債 |
Current liabilities |
借 |
Debit |
債務重組 |
Debt restructuring |
遞延收益 |
Deferred income |
遞延所得稅 |
Deferred tax |
遞延所得稅資產 |
Deferred tax assets |
遞延所得稅負債 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
折舊 |
Depreciation |
稀釋每股收益 |
Diluted earnings per share |
直接費用 |
Direct costs |
直接人工 |
Direct labour |
直接材料 |
Direct materials |
直接法 |
Direct method |
披露 |
Disclosure |
折現系數 |
Discount factor |
折現率 |
Discount rate |
任意盈余公積 |
Discretionary surplus reserve |
處置成本 |
Disposal costs |
應付股利 |
Dividend payable |
應收股利 |
Dividend receivable |
應付職工薪酬 |
Employee benefits payables |
股權投資 |
Equity investment |
權益法 |
Equity method |
預計負債 |
Estimated liabilities/Provision |
預計使用壽命 |
Estimated useful life |
費用 |
Expenses |
公允價值 |
Fair value |
融資租賃 |
Finance lease |
金融資產 |
Financial assets |
交易性金融資產 |
Financial assets held for trading |
財務費用 |
Financial expenses |
金融工具 |
Financial instruments |
金融負債 |
Financial liabilities |
財務報告 |
Financial reporting |
籌資活動 |
Financing activities |
產成品 |
Finished products/goods |
固定資產 |
Fixed assets |
固定資產清理 |
Fixed assets pending for disposal |
境外經營 |
Foreign operations |
特許權 |
Franchise right |
記賬本位幣 |
Functional currency |
公允價值變動收益/(損失) |
Gains/Losses on changes in fair value |
管理費用 |
General and administrative expenses |
持續(xù)經營 |
Going concern |
商譽 |
Goodwill |
政府補助 |
Government grants |
毛利率 |
Gross profit ratio |
擔保 |
Guarantee |
持有至到期投資 |
Held-to-maturity investment |
歷史成本 |
Historical cost |
可辨認性 |
Identifiable |
減值損失 |
Impairment loss |
減值準備 |
Impairment losses |
利潤表 |
Income statement |
所得稅 |
Income tax |
間接法 |
Indirect method |
保險費 |
Insurance expense |
無形資產 |
Intangible assets |
應付利息 |
Interest payable |
利率 |
Interest rate |
應收利息 |
Interest receivable |
集團內部銷售 |
Inter-group sales |
中期財務報表 |
Interim financial statements |
存貨 |
Inventories |
投資活動 |
Investing activities |
投資成本 |
Investment cost |
投資收益 |
Investment income |
投資性房地產 |
Investment property |
合營企業(yè) |
Joint-venture |
勞務成本 |
Labour costs |
土地使用權 |
Land use right |
租賃 |
Lease |
承租人 |
Lessee |
出租人 |
Lessor |
負債 |
Liability/Liabilities |
貸款 |
Loan |
長期股權投資 |
Long-term equity investment |
長期借款 |
Long-term loans |
長期應付款 |
Long-term payable |
長期應收款 |
Long-term receivables |
少數股東權益 |
Minority interests |
凈利潤 |
Net profits |
非調整事項 |
Non-adjusting events |
非流動性負債 |
Non-current liabilities |
營業(yè)外支出 |
Non-operating expenses |
營業(yè)外收入 |
Non-operating income |
經營活動 |
Operating activities |
經營租賃 |
Operating lease |
營業(yè)利潤 |
Operating profit |
其他資本公積 |
Other capital reserve |
其他綜合收益 |
Other comprehensive income |
其他業(yè)務收入 |
Other operating income |
其他應付款 |
Other payables |
其他應收款 |
Other receivables |
所有者權益 |
Owner’s equity |
所有權 |
Ownership |
實收資本 |
Paid-in capital |
專利權 |
Patent |
資產負債表日后事項 |
Post balance sheet events |
溢價 |
Premium |
預付款 |
Prepayment |
現值 |
Present value |
以前年度損益事項 |
Prior year profit/loss adjustment |
商品 |
Product |
利潤 |
Profit |
利潤分配 |
Profit appropriation |
存貨跌價準備 |
Provision for diminution in value of inventories |
固定資產減值準備 |
Provision for impairment of fixed assets |
損失準備 |
Provision for loss |
采購成本 |
Purchase costs |
報酬率 |
Rate of return |
原材料 |
Raw materials |
預收款項 |
Receipts in advance |
確認 |
Recognition/Recognize |
可收回金額 |
Recoverable amount |
可變現凈值 |
Recoverable value |
關聯交易 |
Related party transactions |
關聯方 |
Related party(ies) |
租賃收入 |
Rental income |
重置成本 |
Replacement costs |
回購 |
Repurchase |
研究開發(fā)費用 |
Research and development costs |
殘值 |
Residual value |
重組 |
Restructuring |
追溯調整 |
Retrospective adjustments |
銷售商品收入 |
Revenue from sales of goods |
收入 |
Revenue/Income |
職工薪酬 |
Salary costs |
售后租回交易 |
Sale and lease back |
主營業(yè)務收入 |
Sales from principal activities |
銷售退回 |
Sales return |
銷售額 |
Sales revenue |
銷售稅 |
Sales tax |
分部報告 |
Segment reporting |
銷售費用 |
Selling expenses |
股本 |
Share capital |
股份期權 |
Share options |
股本/資本溢價 |
Share/Capital premium |
所有者權益 |
Shareholders’ equity |
短期借款 |
Short-term loans |
專項應付款 |
Special payables |
現金流量表 |
Statement of cash flows |
法定盈余公積 |
Statutory surplus reserve |
盈余公積 |
Surplus reserves |
有形資產 |
Tangible assets |
計稅基礎 |
Tax basis |
應交稅費 |
Taxes payable |
暫時性差異 |
Temporary differences |
交易費用 |
Transaction costs |
可理解性 |
Understandability |
未分配利潤 |
Undistributed profit/Retained earnings |
未實現融資收益 |
Unrealized capital gain |
增值稅 |
Value-added tax |
在產品 |
Work in progress |
- 上一篇文章: 2014年注冊會計師全國統(tǒng)一考試大綱—稅法篇
- 下一篇文章: 2014年注冊會計師考試大綱解讀——會計