


選課中心 東奧名師 東奧書店 Advantages in PM

It focuses the attention of subordinate management on business performance and results.

Management by objectives can be applied more easily.

The manager of the unit knows better than anyone else.

It gives more authority to junior managers and grooms them for more senior positions in the future.

It reduces the number of levels of management.

The top executives in each division are able to report directly to the chief executive of the holding company. Disadvantages in PM

A division is partly insulated by the holding company from shareholders and capital markets.

The divisions are more bureaucratic than they would be as independent corporations, owing to the performance measures imposed by the strategic apex.

Headquarters management might usurp divisional profits by management charges and unfair transfer pricing systems.

It may be impossible to identify independent products or markets for which divisions would be appropriate.


免費課程:Performance management in different business structures
