
Applied Knowledge |
AB - Accountant in Business | 82% |
FA - Financial Accounting | 73% |
MA - Management Accounting | 65% |
Applied Skills |
LW - Corporate and Business Law | 83% |
TX - Taxation | 46% |
FR - Financial Reporting | 44% |
PM - Performance Management | 35% |
FM - Financial Management | 44% |
AA - Audit and Assurance | 36% |
Strategic Professional - Essentials |
SBL - Strategic Business Leader | 47% |
SBR - Strategic Business Reporting | 51% |
Strategic Professional – Options |
AAA - Advanced Audit and Assurance | 33% |
AFM - Advanced Financial Management | 33% |
APM - Advanced Performance Management | 32% |
ATX - Advanced Taxation | 44% |
ACCA Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (Level 2 RQF) |
FA1 - Recording Financial transactions | 75% |
MA1 - Management Information | 74% |
ACCA Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (Level 3 RQF) |
FA2 - Maintaining Financial Records | 69% |
MA2 - Managing Costs and Finance | 61% |
ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business (Level 4 RQF) |
FAB - Accountant in Business | 72% |
FFA - Financial Accounting | 66% |
FMA - Management Accounting | 62% |